Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Writers on Reading: David Baldacci

Our author for this edition is the multi-award winning author David Baldacci.  An American author, born and raised in Virginia David has written an impressive 28 best-selling novels starting with Absolute power 18 years ago. His novels are both explosive and grittily realistic, using his own experience as a lawyer and the Virginia landscape to create thrillers that have been translated the world over.

What is the first book you remember reading?
The Magic Squirrel. It had such an impact on me that I purchased a first edition copy several years ago. Albeit, it wasn't as compelling now as it was when I was six, but I do remember losing myself in an unforgettable fantasy world. It really started my love of reading.

What effect does being an author have on you as a reader?
I look at books both as pleasure reading and also like game film, breaking down an author's technique and style to see what makes the story compelling. And I've written so many mysteries that I often can figure things out well in advance because I use similar techniques to distract readers.

Are there any books you can read again and again?

Are there any genres that you wouldn’t choose to read?
I'm not really into sci-fi or romance.

What is the current book on your nightstand/coffee table?
11/22/63 by Stephen King.

David’s newest book 'The Target' was released in April, and the third book in his John Puller series 'The Escape' is due in November 2014.

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