Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Writers on Reading: Michael Dobbs


Creator of one our absolute favourite television shows 'House of Cards', Michael Dobbs is known for his fantastic political novels full of a mix high level intrigue with action, humour and edge of your seat tension. Describing himself as 'Never having a proper job' As well as being a renowned author, screenwriter and playwright, Michael has been a politician and political aide, Deputy Chairman of Saatchi &Saatchi, a BBC news reporter, newspaper columnist (including working on the Boston Globe during the Watergate scandal) and has ended up in the house of Lords. This mix of careers in the sharp ends of politics, media and business has given Michael an insight into the topics he writes about that adds realism to even the most extraordinary situation.  

What is the first book you remember reading?
Probably Treasure Island around the age of eight.

What effect does being an author have on you as a reader?
Great: I read far more widely. All sorts of things I would never have considered.
Terrible: I have far less time to do it.

Are there any books you can read again and again?
Shakespeare's plays.

Are there any genres that you wouldn’t choose to read?
No. Reading a new book is like walking through a door into a new world. How can I resist?

What is the current book on your nightstand/coffee table?
Dominion by C J Sansom

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