Musings From The Bookface

Musings From The Bookface is a series of blog posts from the anonymous 'Muser' - it's one of our main features, where a member of the Grab Life By The Spine team will introduce a topic relating to reading and open it up for discussion from you, dear readers!


  1. it's a bit mad , isn't it, that the shortlists can put people off reading what might be a great book. In my limited experience many of the prizes seem to be given to the most obscure , convoluted nonsense which underlines the elitism of the "literary" world and makes me think I'm not clever enough.I am sure I'm not the only one!

  2. I always used to think that if a book was nominated for the Booker Prize then it was going to be odd and I wouldn't enjoy it! I'm going to give 'The Luminaries' a go though as I have read some good reviews.

  3. I like big books and I cannot lie....but seriously if I know it's going to be good I relish a chunk of fiction like I would a chunk of chocolate cake. I am not a short story or magazine article sort of person, I do not wish to engage with a character only to be thrust of out their lives after only a brief glimpse- I am proper nosey, I want details! if any book is not engaging me, whatever it's size, I will send it packing :)

  4. I hate big books in one circumstance- when they had a terrible ending, there's nothing quite so demoralising to my reading as slogging through a massive book, only to be left feeling drained and disappointed right at the end. And don't get me started on Cliffhangers.

  5. Does size matter ? absolutely not - I want quality. having joined the book club that meets at the Muringer every Tuesday I have been exposed to a vast array of treasures. Sometimes I am so hooked I have to read the whole book and other times I let my imagination fill in the blanks and at other times the piece is so well written I am full from that snippet. I love a short story and I love a long story.... I am a compulsive reader, if there is writing I have to read it, cereal boxes, hoardings,graffiti anything. Does size matter no
